Server Information
General Information
Server Version Season 6
Experience 30x
Master Experience 5x
Drop 25%
Reset Points: 300
Reset Lvl: 400
Max Resets: 5
Max Master Lvl 200
Pk Limit: Yes
Pk Entry Event: Yes
Maximum Excellent Options: 2
Guilds 30 Max Members
Guild Creation Lvl 1


Reward Count
Blood Castle 1 - 6 Jewels 1 (Each member of the Party)
Blood Castle 7 Jewels 2 (Each member of the Party)
Blood Castle Master Jewels 3
Chaos Castle 1 - 6 Jewels 3
Chaos Castle Master Jewels + Acc 5
Mirror Event Tier Lvl 1 - 3 Normal / Exc 1 - 2
Gaoin Event Semanal Jewel Pack x10 1
Gaoin Event Domingos Bundle Jewels Or Exc Tier 3 - 5 2


Reward Count
Skeleton King Jewels + GP 3
Red Dragon Jewels + GP 3
White Wizard Jewels + GP 3
Raptor Jewels + GP 1
Rabbits Jewels + GP 1
Ghost Jewels + GP 1
Ice Queen Jewels + GP 1
Hell Spider Jewels + GP 1
Balrog Jewels + GP 1
Bali Jewels + GP 1
Boss Kratox Bundle Jewels or Crest/Feather + WC 2
Boss Anubis Others Items or WC 2

Chaos Machine

Combination Maximum Success Rate
Normal VIP
Item Luck 5% 5%
Items + 10 80% + Luck 85% + Luck
Items + 11 70% + Luck 75% + Luck
Items + 12 60% + Luck 65% + Luck
Items + 13 50% + Luck 55% + Luck
Items + 14 35% + Luck 40% + Luck
Items + 15 25% + Luck 30% + Luck
Wings Level 1 80% Max 85% Max
Wings Level 2 60% Max 65% Max
Wings Level 3 30% Max 35% Max
Cape of Lord Mix 60% Max 65% Max
Fragment of Horn Mix 70% Max 75% Max
Broken Horn Mix 60% Max 65% Max
Horn of Fenrir Mix 40% Max 45% Max
Feather of Condor 60% Max 65% Max


/reset Reset your character.
/whisper [on/off] Enable / disable whisper.
/pick Automatically raise items, example: /pick soul
/post [message] Sends a message to the whole server.
/str [points] Adds points to Strength.
/agi [points] Adds points to Agility.
/vit [points] Adds points to Life.
/ene [points] Adds points to Energy.
/cmd [points] Adds points to Command.
/requests [on/off] Enable / disable requests in-game.

Drop Jewels

Jewel of Chaos Drop: Monsters + Lvl 70
Jewel of Life Drop: Monsters + Lvl 72
Jewel of Creation Drop: Monsters + Lvl 74
Jewel of Bless Drop: Monsters + Lvl 75
Jewel of Soul Drop: Monsters + Lvl 78
Feather Drop Icarus
Crest Drop Kanturu

Party Bonus Experience

Members Experience Rate
Same Character Classes Different Classes
2 Players EXP% + x% EXP% + x%
3 Players EXP% + x% EXP% + x%
4 Players EXP% + x% EXP% + x%
5 Players EXP% + x% EXP% + x%

VIP Members

Experience: 33x
Drop Rate: + 5%
Chaos Machine: + 5%
Drop Zen: + 5%
Drop Jewels: + 5%
OffHelper: 16 Hours (Free 10 Hours)
Command /help: On
Command /pack & /unpack: On